
Classes & Workshops

New Class

Watercolor Class
Bring brushes, paper, and paint.


One Day Workshop

Periodically, a one day basic acrylic painting class is offered as an introduction to painting with all materials provided. March workshop is pictured below.


New One Day Class offered

May be an image of text that says 'LAKE PLACID ART LEAGUE 127 Dal Hall Blvd.~ Lake Placid The Red Easel $45 Glass & Resin Art Saturday, July 22nd 1-4pm TO REGISTER CALL 863-465-0611 ON TUESDAY & THURSDAYS BETWEEN 9-12PM OR EMAIL: INFO@LAKEPLACIDARTLEAGUE.ORG BY THURSDAY, JULY 20TH Wreath Seahorse Animal Love Crab Watermelon Anchor Flamingo Boat Beach Lighthouse Palm Tree Your Own Design' 

Oil/ Acrylic Painting Class

Our Painting Class is offered to any Art League member every Tues. from 9:00am-12:00pm. A fee of $15 per class is charged for instruction. Painters need to bring canvas, brushes, paints, and ideas to class.

Open Studio

Art League members are invited to OPEN-STUDIO. Cost is $2.00 per session. Open-Studio is temporarily closed due to COVID-19 and we will resume Open-Studio soon. Please stay tuned for upcoming dates.

Contact Us

127 Dal Hall Blvd. 
Lake Placid, FL

Phone: (863) 465-0611

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2739
Lake Plaicd, FL 33862